

Google的兩段式驗證(Two-step verification)就是一個例子。

Multi-factor authentication (also MFA, Two-factor authentication, TFA, T-FA or 2FA) is an approach to authentication which requires the presentation of two or more of the three authentication factors: a knowledge factor ("something the user knows"), a possession factor ("something the user has"), and an inherence factor ("something the user is").

via Multi-factor authentication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

雖然Google Authenticator已經算是簡便好用的Two-Factor Authentication App,不過,實際操作時,那種手忙腳亂必須跟驗證碼搶逾時限制的使用經驗絕對不算太好。

Authy相中了這種實作上的不便,推出了Authy Ap(同時也有Authy for Android)這款工具。

只要在安裝妥Authy Bluetooth(Mac版)的電腦上透過藍牙(Bluetooth)配對,Authy App就可以直接把驗證碼送到電腦端的剪貼簿(Clipboard),而使用者只需要直接Command+V貼上即可。


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